Chewing gum while studying helps in studying better… It is not us who say this, but a study says this, read it here

Chewing gum while studying helps in studying better… It is not us who say this, but a study says this, read it here

Eating gum is a trend among most of the youth around the world. In school bus, college, metro, in most of the places while travelling, especially the youth like to eat gum. But do you know that studying after chewing gum helps in better studies. Yes, studying after chewing gum helps in better studies. This is not us saying this, but a research is saying this. Know what the research has revealed about chewing gum. 

Eating chewing gum 

Youth around the world including India like to eat chewing gum. Not only this, from cricketers to film stars are often seen eating chewing gum. Often people like to eat chewing gum while travelling and in their free time. But do you know that studying helps in better studies after chewing gum. New research has revealed that chewing gum helps in studying better. 

What did the research reveal? 

New research has revealed that chewing gum helps in scoring better in studies. Assistant Professor of Psychology at St. Lawrence University, Serge Oniper, did a research in which he observed that students who chewed gum for five minutes before giving the exam performed better in the exam than students who did not chew gum. According to the research, chewing gum helps in warming up the brain by increasing the flow of blood to the brain. This small effect lasts for 20 minutes or more before the test. However, it does not last for a long time. 

Chewing gum is good for health

Let us tell you that there are many benefits of chewing gum. According to WebMD, if there is sugar in chewing gum, then chewing it can damage the teeth. But this removes the problem of dry mouth. Apart from this, chewing gum also burns calories, which keeps the weight under control. Apart from this, chewing gum boosts blood flow to the brain, which improves memory. At the same time, chewing it can also give you relief from stress. Not only this, chewing gum helps in staying alert. If you are feeling tired, then chewing gum will help you stay active. It is also helpful in getting relief from motion sickness and morning sickness during pregnancy. According to experts, eating chewing gum gives many benefits."">Traffic lights: Why does only red color in traffic lights mean stop, why is no other color used?

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